Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet... KYLIE! (Part II)

"You breathe new life in me, you lift me off my knees"

Little did I know what my vacation was gonna turn out to be like!!
Just 3 weeks ago, one day before the news about Kylie and Andres coming to the USA appeared, I changed my tickets to come back home a little later - and oh, how I love when I follow my intuition (I've learned my lesson from not listening to it before! :P).
On Saturday (when THIS happened) I wish I had a little gift for Kylie (I love giving presents more than receiving - true story!), so today, going to the city, I had it all prepared no matter what, having no idea if I was going to be so lucky lucky lucky to see her again (well, I've become much luckier over the past few years, but this is something you can never be sure of!).

When I arrived to NBC Studios building, it was 2.30 p.m. and I was quite sure Kylie's already inside (the New York Live show starts at 3p.m.), but I decided to hang around for a bit (thank you again, my dear intuition!) - and it did pay off - the car pulls up and this gorgeous woman, in this stunning dress comes out - "Kylie!" - was my thought. I see her smile and... (do you remember I mentioned that this is the moment I whether talk or "swallow my tongue"? Well, today -->) swallow my tongue being absolutely Kylie-struck once again! Thoughts were running through my head "Come on, you came here to give Kylie a little present, just say it!" - and I did, I asked her if I could just give her this present. She smiled and said, "Of course!". She takes a present and there's one thing that I'd love: "Can I give you a hug?", she smiles and says "Sure", leaning closer and giving me a hug (someone standing next to us goes: "awww, so sweet!") Then she says: "I saw your tweet and your site - you're doing an amazing job!" - and not expecting anything like this (and coming from KYLIE herself!!) I lose all the words and thoughts (not that I had many of 1sts before...) and the only few words I could squeeze in excitement were: "Oh my God, really? Thank you so much, this is so amazing!"
I did not realize all this time I was holding my iPod in my hand, but guess who did!? KYLIE! She goes: "Better take that picture!". So Terry takes the iPod (thank you so much!!!) from my shaky hands and click! Kylie asked to check if it was good - and after looking at it, we decide we need another one, because Kylie looked like she's "about to punch someone" (her words! :D ). Click again and we have a perfect one!!! I thanked Kylie few more times, she kept smiling looking gorgeous in that dress, shining like the sun in today's cloudy NYC :)

That was not over yet!! So, I totally forget I took my Stylist mag with me (just in case I was lucky again <:) ), I go to the closest Starbucks to grab a cup of my favorite passion tea (so thirsty!) and realize I had a mag! So I tweet #KyliePride, unlock the Mardi Gras video, watch it (with few more people around me looking over my shoulder). Hope Kylie read my "is it ok if I show up again" tweet, cause I felt so embarrassed coming back for an autograph (I'm not a stalker :P - once again - that is one thing I would never do!). But when I got there, all the paparazzi came from who knows where and Kylie was just about to come out of the building. A lady was passing by with her husband asked me who all these people were waiting for, to which I replied Kylie Minogue, so she goes: "oh, the Australian actress!" - I nodded and that put a big smile on my face :) Just then Kylie comes out and few people around me (those two included) go "oh wow, she's so beautiful!". Paparazzi take pictures, while Kylie can barely walk through all of them to the car... and when she gets into the car (definitely saw me holding a mag to sign), she rolles the window down (people start sticking their things to sign) and says "hers" pointing in my direction and signs the Stylist (With love) in the car waving "goodbye" to everyone. They drive away... and here I go, omG, did THAT just happen???

"On a night like this I wanna stay forever"

I'm walking down the street, chatting to some of my Twitter friends and then it strikes me - she did that (99% sure) because she did read the card I gave to her with the present!!! And that's peeps when I just fell apart right in the middle of the NYC - tears literally coming down my face! It took some time to pull myself back together to be honest - this is how much what she's done for me without knowing it means to me - those are the moments you realize how much Kylie actually means to you - it's like a challenge... in cases like this my iPod and Kylie's music are my best friends: I turn it on and the first words that I hear are: "Anytime you want me to, I can make you happy. There ain't nothing I wouldn't do (anytime) to make you happy" - coincidence? (after the signing -) Not in my case!

"You never know what you'll find, because stars don't shine in singular places"

I will never get tired of saying this: I love you so much Kylie, thank you for everything you've done in my life having no idea all along - now you know, but it is still just a little bit of the story I can tell! (maybe in #KylieCafe one day ;) )
THANK YOU million times and more!!! It means a world to me!!! LOVE YOU!!!

P.S. Lovers, you are amazing - over 1000 views of my previous Kylie story in 1 (ONE) day!!! Love you all!!!

xo K


  1. This is simply amazing, I am beyond words couldnt say anything .. It's not enough to describe it in words so I just want to SHOUT : I AM PROUD BEING A KYLIE FAN

    1. Good one when you've no words to describe how it feels!!! I AM PROUD TO BE A KYLIE FAN too!!! :D

  2. Yesterday, I was so pleased you finally got your perfect 'with Kylie' photograph. Now today, reading the story of how the event went down, this just made me cry. :)..
