Kylie Minogue has been working on the album TWELVE in Los Angeles after signing to Jay Z's label RocNation. She's also very good at keeping Lovers wonder what Minnie's been up to lately, leaving all waiting in excitement for the new material:
"I was kind of seduced into going back to the acting world. But music brought me back and I'm so happy, it's just been a very different experience recording here in Los Angeles."

After a very exciting tweet on April 12th, on April 13th, 2013 Kylie mentioned that the album is "nearly finished" in the interview for Logo's NewNowNext Awards!
2.04.2013 (Been lo-fi ....writing/recording...)
2.04.2013 (Been lo-fi ....writing/recording...)
Kylie has been updating the fans by Tweeting and Instagramming some of the latest pictures from the studio and her work:
21.03.2013 (It is happening again!)
26.03.2013 (#sticker My songwriting notebook!!!!)
Finally a break for a little while ;)
Aaaaand... back to work!
27.03.2013 (If only all #studio breaks were like this!) 1.04.2013 (#DayJob!!)
The teasing twitter spree replying to fans' questions about the new album:
11.04.2013: Kylie Minogue in studio with Kirby Lauryen & Elijah Blake
(via Twitter: "No lie.. Kylie Minogue has the best pitch of any artist I've ever vocal produced. Wow" :)
And with Madame Buttons & Dj Tommy Trash:
As revealed earlier (February 2013), Kylie has also been working with Sia, Fernando Garibay, Ariel Rechtshaid, Greg Kurstin and Stargate, as well as recording in NYC with GiTA, Chris Lake and Nom De Strip!
(thank to ShineOnAndOn for the screenshot)
Excited yet? ;)
We cannot wait to hear what Kylie has in store for us soon!
xo K
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